I have been wondering lately if I am in a rut because I have been painting a series of dunes paintings. I find myself painting my “Coastal Dunes” paintings over and over and over again! I just finished “Coastal Dunes #23” ! My paintings have definitely changed since my first “Coastal Dunes” study 4 years ago and my first sale ever of a “Coastal Dunes” painting 3 years ago. I live on the West Coast of Florida and we have dunes! I pass the road that leads to Honeymoon Island State Park on the way to my studio. There are beautiful dunes in the park along with sea oats. I love the look of the beach with dunes as well as the beautiful, changing Gulf waters. I enjoy trying different color combinations when I paint my “Coastal Dunes” pieces. Lately I have been experimenting with wet on wet skies and have enjoyed seeing the results. So am I really painting the same picture?? No, not at all…. not one of my dunes paintings is exactly like the others. Something is different in each painting,,,,whether it is the sky, the water, or the sea oats. I am still learning and still experimenting with different techniques. unusual colors, and cool textures. I am still learning. It just so happens that…… I love painting “Coastal Dunes”!!