There are so many things that make an artist happy. Let’s start with supplies. I do love buying new paints, fresh paper, and of course brushes! I also enjoy setting up my work space with those supplies but I do have to admit my work space needs a spring cleaning! Sometimes it is just so… read more
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Exploring other mediums…….
Last summer I jumped into the messy world of flow acrylics……and oh boy…… was it messy! I started with small canvases…..learned I needed to wear gloves and a cover up before finishing my first one! I actually enjoyed myself but soon realized that the reason I loved painting with watercolors was that I loved the… read more
After 5 years of doing watercolor painting….I still love doing it! I have tried acrylics…but my preference is watercolor. I am drawing more before I do a painting but at times I just let the paints flow! My favorite subjects are landscapes and seascapes. I hang them all around my home and notice that when… read more
“Quirky Critters”
A few months ago an artist friend asked a group of 5 artists if we had heard of rock painting groups. Not one of us had heard a word but once she explained the idea of painting a rock, hiding it for someone to find, with no expectations other then the person possibly posting a… read more
Why Artists Need Each Other…
I started painting 4 years ago and when I took my first watercolor class I knew no one and the only thing I knew about watercolor painting is that I loved the medium. After a class or two the five beginners in the class bonded with each other. We had signed up for a beginning… read more
Why do artists enter art competitions?
Today I dropped off a watercolor at a show being held by an art association that I am a member of near my home in Florida. As I helped hang the art I wondered why artists enter art shows. Is it to be part of the art community? Is it because we want recognition? Is… read more
I am ready to paint!
After a break of several weeks I am so read to paint again! I have seen autumn beauty and mountain vistas and imagined capturing these scenes in my own way on watercolor paper. Soon very soon I will be painting. I can’t wait!!
New name for my folio twIst website!
I now have a name for for new folio twist website! Many of you are not on Facebook so this way you can see my latest artwork, shows, and read my blog!! Please check it out. It is: :
My New Art Newsletter-“Art from the Soul”
My website has a new feature at the top of the page. It is an email sign-up for my newsletter called “Art from the Soul”. I will announce upcoming art shows, new venues, and events. I will keep you informed of what I am up to as far as my painting. I may offer discounts… read more
Do artists paint for themselves or for others?
A few days ago an artist friend and I were talking about selling our work. We both have our artwork in gallerys as well as other venues but sales have been scarce this summer. Out of the blue my friend said well even if I don’t sell my work I love painting so much I… read more
Overworking a watercolor……
One of my favorite artists wrote something on his blog that I often struggle with….when does a watercolorist stop painting and say…my piece is done. How many times have I kept going and ended up ruining a painting. Let me start counting…………I am still counting!! This week at my studio my goal is to do… read more
Exploring Watercolors…..
I have been exploring the watercolor medium lately. My paintings have changed so much from my first pieces four short years ago. I painted lots and lots of flowers and many, many sunflowers. My first award from the Tarpon Springs Art Association was for my “Triplets” sunflower painting! I remember painting my first sunflowers and… read more
The Joy of Painting
After a two week sabbatical from painting I started up again. I visualized a view of Tampa Bay that I wanted to paInt. I had seen this beautiful scene many times when we went outdoors to take a yoglates class. I searched and found some beautiful photos of this same view. It was so exciting… read more
Meditation while painting…..
Today I was so involved in my painting that I believe I was in a state of meditation. I felt peaceful, more focused, and attentive to what I was doing. I may have written about this previously but I wonder if any of my artist friends feel this way when they are painting. I know… read more
Can artists learn from their mistakes?
Today I have been thinking about whether I learn from my mistakes. The other day in my studio nothing went right. My piece had too much water, too little paint, people talking distracted me, my mind wandered, and I just had no focus at all….so what did I do? I experimented! I added more water,… read more
If at first you don’t succeed…..
Determination must be my middle name well at least it was today. I drove to my studio determined to paint a seascape with a stormy sky, a boat, a darker sea, as well as some type of reflection of the boat. My first try had a decent sky but there was too much gray and… read more
As an artist who paints the same series, am I in a rut?
I have been wondering lately if I am in a rut because I have been painting a series of dunes paintings. I find myself painting my “Coastal Dunes” paintings over and over and over again! I just finished “Coastal Dunes #23” ! My paintings have definitely changed since my first “Coastal Dunes” study 4 years… read more
Can painting become an addiction?
There are days when I am totally obsessed with painting, Once I start a painting I just cannot stop myself! There are days when I don’t have the opportunity to paint and all I can think of is what I am going to paint next. I talk about painting with fellow artists. I watch art… read more
Do artists suffer from artist’s block?
Today I had a conversation with a friend who also happens to be an amazing oil painter. She told me how frustrated she was over the weekend with her paintings. I said welcome to my club! For every painting that I save, mat or frame there are probably 3 or 4 that are reduced to… read more
What artists think about when they are not painting……..
Today I spent the day thinking about my art, reflecting on what I have learned on my artistic journey, and planning what I would like to paint tomorrow. I did not pick up a paint brush, mix paint on my palette, fill my water container, or prepare my paper. It seems from having conversations with… read more
Should a non-artist judge an art show?
Since I have become an artist I have entered several art shows. I often wonder who judged the show and what were their qualifications. It wasn’t until recently that I heard of a judge who was not an artist judging a show. I was surprised actually shocked to hear this. How could a non-artist judge… read more
Sharing Ideas with other Artists
Today I had lunch with a fellow artist and amazingly we talked about our families and lives but of course, we always went back to our favorite topic of conversation-art! No artist follows the same path to their career in art but the journey is a lot of fun. I always loved art but was… read more
WOW…..The Wonder of Watercolor!
I love the colors, the flow, the movement, the freedom of watercolor painting but most of all I love the surprises! No matter how I plan my piece there is always something that surprises me with watercolors! The idea that adding water can change a painting amazes me. As a beginner I did not understand… read more
American vs. British Art Preferences……
Well you may as surprised as I was with this information I read in Art Finder. In 2015, a Brit was 26% more likely to buy art from the “Animal and Birds” category than an American. This trend increased towards Christmas when the Brits were a huge 46% more likely to buy animals. By contrast,… read more
Do artists need positive reinforcement?
As a former educator I realize how important it was for me to support my students in their learning. As artists do we need this kind of support? I can remember my first “Art in the Park” experience in Dunedin, Florida. As I stood by my table and easels I wondered if anyone was going… read more
Yesterday everything I worked on looked terrible. I was a bit distracted by a meeting going on near my studio. Pandora wasn’t working so I couldn’t block out the voices of the attendees. Today there will be no meetings! Hallelujah! I did meet some studio visitors who happen to love my watercolors so that was… read more
Off to the studio today…….
It has been a few weeks since I picked up a brush and I can’t wait to paint! I love working in my studio at Stirling Art Studios & Gallery. As a fellow artist said in her post to Facebook…she was in a Zen moment while working in her studio yesterday. I am in a… read more
5 Reasons to Paint Today! by Angela Fehr
1. Paint to remember a moment in time. 2. Paint to play! 3. Paint to speak in color and line. 4. Paint to start your day in creativity. 5. Paint to recharge after a busy day.
Watercolors by Margaret Modjeski
This is my art page on Facebook.
“Art from the Soul”-New website
Today I have created a website to feature my art. It is located on: folio The name of my site is ” Art from the Soul”. I invite you to check it out. I will try to post new artwork weekly. All my paintings are framed original watercolors. I will post painting sizes as… read more